Providing a strong support environment for marriage and family

One community, one family... together MFC goes forth as families on mission, fully founded on the Rock that is Christ.

2024 National Family Conference : Unchanging God!

Annual gathering of member missionaries in the US and its mission areas... Expected attendees from the different sections are shown below. Come... be part of it! Our theme for 2024: "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8) Unchanging God!
MFC Kids
MFC Youth
MFC Campus Based
MFC Singles
MFC Couples
MFC Handmaids
MFC Servants
FMC Familias Misioneras de Cristo

Stories and Sharings

Latest news and events around the USA and our mission areas.
USA and Latin America Servant Leaders Meeting

USA and Latin America Servant Leaders Meeting

The Servant General of the Missionary Families of Christ Frank Padilla graced the first meeting of...

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CTK Praisefest NY

CTK Praisefest NY

CHRIST IN US, THE HOPE OF GLORY (Col. 1:27). The MFC Singles USA invited fellow young adults to a...

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Familias Misioneras de Cristo NY

Familias Misioneras de Cristo NY

The Familias Misioneras de Cristo of New York hosted the November 2023 Area Family assembly at the St....

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MFCNY Youth Camp

MFCNY Youth Camp

MFCNY Youth Camp in November 10-12, 2023 at the Mirror Lake Retreat Center in Milan, New York. The...

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National Statistics

Chapters in the USA
The chapter is the basic pastoral grouping of MFC.
Active members
This includes adult members in Sections except Kids.
Evangelization missions
These are Live Christ Share Christ initiatives in the parishes.
Served in medical missions
Annual trip to the poor communities

Live Christ, Share Christ Mission

This is about our response to our bishops’ call to new evangelization. Its goal is to bring Catholics back to Christ and to an active life in the parish.
We proclaim the Gospel of Purity
We proclaim the Gospel of God's word
We proclaim the Gospel of Life
We proclaim the Gospel of Poverty
We proclaim the Gospel of Catholicity

Our Vision and Mission

We are an evangelistic and missionary community committed to become families empowered by the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.

Live as a follower of Christ

Pray and read the Bible daily. Strive for holiness and Christian perfection.

Build a strong family for Christ

Invest myself in time and effort for home and family. Live out and defend the culture of life.

Committed and active member

Give generously of time and finances for the furtherance of our mission.

Witness to the world of God’s love

Evangelize and do mission. Love and serve parish. Love and care for the poor.

Vade Ad Aurum 153: Go for Gold

100 missions; 50 states; 3 years.