Our logo has several elements that signify the reality of the name Missionary Families of Christ.

But first note that the new logo is very similar to the old logo. This is to emphasize continuity, that our history indeed started with Couples for Christ (CFC) in 1981. The Lord has brought us through different stages up to this point today, where now the fullness of who we are and what we are called to do is clear.




The Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove, which came down on Jesus at his baptism (Mt 3:16), starting him off on his earthly mission. In turn, Jesus imparts the Holy Spirit to his disciples, empowering them to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

The Holy Spirit is the agent of evangelization. The Holy Spirit has called the Church to the New Evangelization. MFC recognizes that our Church is a missionary Church, and is committed to help her attain to her destiny. We do this mainly through the work of the Live Christ Share Christ (LCSC) mission.




We are families empowered by the Holy Spirit to help renew the face of the earth. We are committed to renew the family and to defend life. We are among those to be sent out on mission.

We are families that first of all belong to Christ. The outstretched arms of Christ and the slightly inward-bent hands signify both the embrace of Jesus upon the family, and also the presenting of the family to the world, being sent forth to do mission.

It is a faceless family. You become the faces of the Christian family.

The family is garbed in blue, which is the color of Mama Mary. As Missionary Families of Christ, we are part of the army of Mary.


Of Christ


Christ is of course at the very center of our logo. Our primary Core Value is being Centered on Christ. He is the be-all and end-all. We belong to him. We are his servants. We are in his protective embrace. We are nothing without him.

The gold ring or halo is a sacred diadem. “The plate of the sacred diadem was made of pure gold and inscribed, as on a seal engraving: ‘Sacred to the Lord.’” (Ex 39:30). It first of all represents a crown of royalty, as Jesus is the King of kings. Further, it signifies holiness, being set apart. Jesus is “the Holy One of God.” (Jn 6:69).


We too are called to holiness. We are to be transformed in Christ. We are called to be like Christ, to be another Christ. We are called to Christian perfection. We are to “put on the new man, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” (Eph 4:24). And so we have the faceless Christ. The challenge to us is to be that Christ, to be holy, to be priest, prophet and king, to love and care for our family, and to be sent forth to do God’s work.